The following values can be used to convert imperial units into metric units and vice versa:

English unit Metric unit
1 [foot pound] = 1,35582 [joule]
1 [grain] = 0,064798857 [grammes]
1 [pound] = 0,453592 [kilogrammes]
1 [pound] = 16 [ounce]
1 [pound] = 7.000 [grains]
1 [foot/second] = 0,3048006 [meters/second]
1 [inch] = 2,54001 [centimeters]
1 [foot] = 0,3048006 [meters]
1 [yard] = 0,914402 [meters]
1 [mile] = 1.609,344 [meters]

Kinetic energy calculator

Find any of the three variables in the Kinetic Energy equation.

Enter two of the three values and click on the button to obtain the third variable.

Measurement converter

Enter a number in any of the following boxes and then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Mass Converter (Weight)

Temperature Converter

Length Converter

Speed Converter

Energy Converter

Calculator for telescopic scope adjustments

Find any of the three variables in the equation.

Enter three of the four values and click on the corresponding button to obtain the fourth variable.